Odoo Version Management in a Development Environment

Starting Odoo in a Local development environment with Multiple versions

Cloud Computing Options in Odoo


To begin with a local development environment for Odoo that supports multiple versions, it is essential to understand how Odoo connects with PostgreSQL and other key technologies. Odoo relies on a client-server architecture, where the application server handles business logic and communicates with a PostgreSQL database to store and retrieve data. This setup can be extended using Docker and Nginx to manage multiple Odoo instances and PostgreSQL versions in parallel.



Odoo and PostgreSQL


PostgreSQL acts as the database backend for Odoo. Each Odoo instance connects to its designated PostgreSQL database using a username and password declared during the Odoo installation, ensuring that data management in your development environment is not compromised or mixed with another local database for a different Odoo version. 


Odoo uses a TCP/IP connection to interact with PostgreSQL, executing SQL queries for data management operations. In a development environment, multiple databases can be configured to support different Odoo versions. 

General Criteria for Initializing Odoo in a Local Development Environment:

Dependency Installation

Install PostgreSQL and Nginx. These components are essential for handling databases, routing requests, and managing environments, respectively.

Odoo Configuration:

Clone the repositories of the Odoo versions you plan to develop. Each version can be configured to point to its respective PostgreSQL database.

This is how you would set up a development environment with multiple Odoo versions:

Nginx Configuration:

Configure Nginx to act as a reverse proxy, redirecting traffic to the appropriate Odoo instances based on requests. This allows multiple Odoo versions to be accessible from different subdomains or paths.


  • Maintain Separate Development Environments:
    • Organize each Odoo project in its own virtual environment and specific folder to prevent interference and maintain structured and clean development.
  • Documentation and Testing:
    • Document each step of the development process meticulously and accompany each module with exhaustive tests to ensure the integrity and high quality of the code.
  • Regular Updates:
    • Ensure to frequently update Odoo and its dependencies to benefit from the latest improvements and security patches provided by the developers.


Maintaining multiple local development environments facilitates:

  • Flexibility:Enables the execution of multiple versions of Odoo within a single development environment.
  • Isolation: Each Odoo version and its database are isolated, preventing configuration conflicts.
  • Scalability: Facilitates the addition of new Odoo versions or instances as needed for testing and development​.